Age of Empires: Trilogy (1997 l 1999 l 2005) Crack Game Download
Age of Empires Crack game begins with all the Stone Age; then, you can go into the century of farming, the bronze age, and the Iron Age. Also, the player controls units which could attack, build buildings, collect tools.
Therefore, in the game, there are 4 types of resources: stone, stone, wood, and food. The shrub is required for building buildings, boats, farms, and for train archers, the stone is used to build towers and walls. Food is required for many units and technologies. Finally, gold is needed for later technologies and companies.
The objective of the sport is usually to overcome all opponents. When playing with multiple players, diplomacy functions, respectively; they could be allies, enemies, or neutral.
Age of Empire is your complete RTS bundle. Engage in over 40 hours of updated campaign content using new narration and pacing, jump online in up to 8-player battles with new competitive features and manners, adventure 4K HD visuals with overhauled animations, get creative with the situation builder, and share your creations. Welcome back to history.
System Requirements:
- OS: Windows 10 version 14393.0 or higher required
- Processor: 1.8 GHz+ Dual Core or greater i3, i5, or i7, or AMD equivalent (X64 demanded )
- Graphics: Intel HD 4000 or greater (16 or more Execution Units), AMD or Nvidia GPU scoring 500 or more on Passmark G3D Mark
- Memory: 4GB
- Storage: 8 to 10GB
- OS: Windows 10 version 14393.0 or higher needed
- Processor: 2.4 GHz i5 or greater (4 HW threads, X64 demanded )
- Pictures: Nvidia GTX 650; AMD HD 5850
- Memory: 16GB
- Storage: 8 to 10GB
How To Install?
- Click the “Download Game” button.
- Download the game on PC.
- Run the downloaded file.
- Go through the installation game process.
- After installing the game start.
- To play